Scoring provides complete scoring systems. We provide various
scoring software, bar code readers, barcodes, RFID equipment,
transponders, and electronic signs. When scheduling permits
we can provide scoring assistance. We race test all components
of our systems and have scored numerous National Off Road
Motorcycle events, such as National Hare Scrambles and National
ISDE Reliability Enduros.
(OFF ROAD ver)
- Ease
of use
Real Time Scoring using Wireless Bar Code Scanners
and/or RFID (Transponders)
Reports, including AMA Results file, Finish Order,
Mailing Labels, and many more…
Multiple output formats for reports, including CSV,HTML,EXCEL5,TEXT,
amoung others.
Electronic sign support with scrolling capabilities
Preferences allow customized settings
iCARD support –coming soon – click
here for more info.
Race Proven
Here for more info.. |
Official Scoring Transponder